Today baldness is still heavily connected with men, but when women suffer from hair loss, it seems that society does not always know how to help them.
After a thorough assessment, Katie’s help for clients can range from scalp treatments to vitamin advice and even wigs or hair extensions as short-term solutions.
Katie commented, ‘Some people say women now have a far more stressful life, I don’t know if that is true but women in business can be under stress; some people believe that can lead to hair loss. There are so many reasons now but I think there are a lot of people who don’t do anything about it’.
The connection between hair loss and diet is also often not widely understood, according to Katie.
She said, ‘Vitamins are widely important, you can take a vitamin but if you don’t have the right combination, then it can lead to problems’.
One obstacle to sufferers can be the dizzying array of hair loss solutions advertised through the media. Katie is quick to emphasise, that although people may sometimes find the solution this way, often certain products will not work if there is an underlying issue which needs to be identified.
She said, ‘There may be something people can buy at the chemist but the cause could be something they are taking already.
‘Blood tests are really important too. A lack of ferritin (a protein which stores iron in the body) will affect hair loss.
‘Hair loss can be stress related, linked to vitamins and health, even something like IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) can affect the absorption of nutrients. Then there are health changes like menopause and a change in weight range you need to consider; perhaps someone will be suffering from anorexia or have been on a diet; even losing something like three stones very quickly can cause hair loss’.
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