1. Eating a diet that is rich in protein such as one that consists of lean meat, egg and getting enough iron so that you don’t become anemic is essential for healthy hair and will also aid in stopping this hair problem. It is recommended to also eat the skins of cucumber vine, red and green peppers and spuds because the skins are rich in silica, a mineral that is essential in maintaining your hair and the health of your hair.
2. Volatile oil is not only an integral ingredient in bath salts and lotions, they also have aromatherapy purposes and have sanative value and are believed to enhance hair growth. One natural treatment for baldness calls for mixing the essential oils of thyme, lilac and cedar (three drops each) with one-eighth cup of grapeseed oil and then using some drops to your hair and scalp, mainly on the thinning and balding areas, and rubbing it for a few minutes. Do this every night and in a few months’ time, you should see some betterment or improvement in your hair’s volume. It is a good hair loss treatment for men and works very fast.
3. It is believed that scrub palmetto oil blocks dihydrotestosterone, which is a male hormone destructive to hair follicles. Blocking dihydrotestosterone restricts this hair problem. Scrub palmetto is a fruit that can be dried. It is also available as a tea or in capsules, pills and a liquid extract. It is best that using this treatment is discussed with your physician.
The aforementioned hair loss treatments for men are most effective in stopping further hair loss. It has been tested and proven to work in stopping hair loss and it has been guaranteed to fix hair loss problems.